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First of All

Welcome to the Final Hearts Game Project.

The last forum has become inaccessible for me as an admin, so we will use this thing here for the time being.

First of all:

Feel free to add content and edit pages in their respective categories, although it is recommended making major changes only after you have consulted other members working on this part of the game, excluding the General Discussing Category, otherwise you can use this website without further restrictions.

The language we will use in-game and even during development is English. Every major page should be written in acceptable English at least, especially in the Script category. Don't hold back, correct others. The quality of our game depends on it.

Please save your progress regularly! The server software is partially unstable, but the most common tools are working fine (Except uploading images, please use pages like for those tasks). Later I will also add a quick-guide which hopefully explains how to use this site correctly.

Most of the categories on the left side are self-explanatory. Every Category has a Discussion Page where content can be discussed here and it is also the starting page of every category. Please keep in mind that every other page serves archiving purposes only.

If you want to discuss stuff that is not directly related to any of those topics, the General Discussing Category is the place to go. 

Categories like Soundtrack, Graphics and Programming will soon also contain another category called "Ressources". However, this will take some time as the media library is still not usable. We have a lot of free disc space on this server, it would be unwise not to use it.

Further explanations can be found on the several General Discussions Pages.

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Last updated 2012/11/11 by Refio

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